7 natural medicine efficacious to stop the flu and colds

Flu activity interferes with your everyday life greatly and moreover can be contagious to others included in the life of a family. the flu is a virus that can bring through the air, then flu sufferers were required to use a mask to avoid contracting it to other people.

the flu usually begins to come in the rainy season when temperatures are cold, but flu can also attack when the weather is hot because the immune system of the body is being dropped or weak, and advised to keep the body to stay fit by way of exercising, good diet and enough rest. the flu is very long and is usually cured if the condition of the body in a State of less fit or was exhausted.

As for the treatment of the flu can be done naturally or use traditional materials as follows:

1. water decoction of root ginger
Ginger has long been known to the people of Indonesia as the most efficacious remedy in curing flu because in the womb there is ginger can maintain the vitality of the body. so that it can accelerate the healing of flu. for serving suggestions can be done as follows:

-prepare a 2 segment ginger medium size, then wash to clean
-After clean then grilled in ginger over a fire until the outer surface a little bit charred ginger-in squeeze by using a knife until the water ginger juice out
-then insert the 2 cups of water into a pot of boiling water and after entering the ginger squeeze.
-After the ginger juice mixed with water have been considered the stew, then adoptive and add Lemongrass leaves as an addition so that it smells the fragrance
-pour the boiled water into the glasses of ginger, and if like the sweet taste can add slices of brown sugar or honey to taste pure.
-immediately drink when water is being warm ginger stew
-do repetitive until the flu really cured

2. warm Soup a habit of Chinese people while being sick is to drink warm soup that is added with chicken, vegetables and natural spices that helps to maintain the vitality of the body. In addition to the vitality of the warm soup also can help cure the flu sufferer with regular consumption. mucus in the nose and throat become lighter and can exit through the digestive tract at the same time by consuming the soup warm.

3. A single Garlic
garlic is believed to be the single most people as an incoming wind and as medicine to keep the body vitality. but other than that it can be It also helps in curing flu, as there are in oil content of allicin. But what is different from ordinary garlic which is on the market with a single garlic?

the difference is a single garlic has smaller fruit with the number of units and not like the usual garlic that has many fruits are sticking But if you don't get a single garlic can be replaced with regular garlic by way of eating in the raw without processed into cooking.

4. hot water Therapy and eucalyptus therapy is usually done to infants aged over 3 years, but can be done also against adults, namely in the following ways:
-Prepare hot water for as much as half the bucket being
-use a glove that serves later as a cover the entire body.
-After that save hot water in the bucket last in front of the body, then mix in hot water with eucalyptus oil to taste until wafted fragrance
-cover your whole body with gloves, and suction steam produced from a mixture of hot water and eucalyptus oil
-do the way it got flu you are healed.

5. Green tea
Benefits of green tea are very much improved, many people use it as a health drink that serves to inhibit the process of premature aging and nutritious for reducing fat in the stomach also have efficacy as a drink for relaxation. the content of antioxidants in it serves to maintain the immune system so that it can help keep the body from the attack of flu and colds.

6. A pineapple fruit, strawberries, oranges and tomatoes
The fruits have lots of vitamin C, serves to help prevent flu and colds so that you are not yet of developing colds and flu can make fruits rich in vitamin C as additional nutrients to the body as a step Prevention of various diseases. fruits are edible directly or processed into the form of fruit juice drinks.

7. Eucalyptus oil
eucalyptus oil is produced from the tree gelam or by the Latin name Melaleuca leucadendraSYN. m. leucadendron and done by distillation, so extract from eucalyptus trees is to be regular eucalyptus oil is packaged in a bottle.

and drank quite a lot and one of them is as the reliever flu and colds by rubbing eucalyptus oil around the nose, throat, and chest so that feels warm and can melt mucus or snot that would be wasted along with the stool. so its effects are nose became noticeably lighter and not clogged because of excessive mucus.

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