The 6 of kind Danger of a Lump on Gums and Causes
Thursday, July 12, 2018
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Beware of lumps in the gums can be dangerous, take note of the
characteristics and the cause of many people are not aware of when their gums
have lumps or swelling around the gums and accompanied by pain and whether it
is harmful to health?
so know what cause happening and traits of those bumps, so we can
prevent it from cancer or tumors are deadly and difficult to be cured if it is
true it does. It is unfortunate if we are not very alert and ignores health around the tooth that usually
people deem trivial.
And here we will discuss the characteristics and causes of lump in the
gums. This is the characteristics and causes of lump on gums are all you need
to know
1. Cysts
The cyst is usually found in the female organs causing a negative
effect on the uterus so that it could be worse for
the child to be born. But the cysts occur in the gums and traits are its
formation in the form of bubbles with small size contains air, fluid or other
soft materials.
Dental cysts can form in the gums around the teeth and more formed on
the root of the tooth or teeth of the dead can not grow anymore.
these bumps can grow and develop into a large vertically and possible
pain and annoying.
To cure cysts on the teeth can be done with a small surgical cyst
appointment or surgery is simple and quite easy to be eliminated with the
surgical procedure and also the root tissue dies on former cyst is lifted and
removed to prevent the cysts grow back.
2. Abscess
Abscesses in the gums that occurs are
called an abscess, abscess causes of periodontal
gums usually result from bacterial infection, so a buildup of pus and abscess
pockets form around its earmarks ordinarily gums, tender when touched and feels
a bit of pain. as for the symptoms in an abscess is as follows;
• throbbing pain in the gums and it happened unexpectedly arrives
• pain Usually radiates to the vicinity of the jaw, neck, and ears
• the getting sick when in a State of sleep lies
• have a reddish color and there was a slight yellow color on the gum
pouch (abscess)
For healing can be done by a dentist as soon as possible so that the
swelling did not become larger. The doctor will immediately conduct a cleaning
of the PUs on the source of swelling. and if the abscess is too severe then the
doctor can do pull teeth or treatment.
3. Oral Fibroma
Fibroma is lumps that occur due to benign tumors and are usually small
and common on the skin tissue around the face and the skin around the body of
the other, but benign tumors can also occur in the mouth and gums or commonly called
also with oral Fibroma.
Oral Fibroma is benign tumors or
lumps that occur on the network that is experiencing gum irritation or hurt. As
for the cause of the irritation can be caused by his turn of false teeth too
often. These bumps are not painful and shaped like a hard lump around the gums
and feel smooth. From the colors look
darker or lighter when compared to normal and
healthy gum.
The healing is performed by surgeons with raised oral fibroma and care
so as not to repeat itself. Although including benign tumors we must still be
alert and always pay attention to oral health in order not to lose out at a
later date.
4. Pyogenic Granules
This red-colored lumps that
occur in the gums inside the mouth and
SAC's blood contain lumps and enlarged
easily if the content of his blood a lot. The cause is irritation or minor
injuries. Can also occur in women who are pregnant because of hormonal changes
but very rarely, as the symptoms are as follows;
• tender
• no pain
• dark red or purple
5. The mandibular Torus
The mandibular torus is bone growth in the maxilla or mandible, the
cause of these bumps is not yet known but not dangerous It's just that when the
Fed feels uncomfortable due to the presence of lumps and narrowing the space in
the mouth. normally felt hard surface soft and smooth, and rarely do care
6. Oral cancer
oral cancer occurs in an area
around the mouth, a malignant tumor on the gums, this may look like a minor
form lumps or thick skin. but this lump could be huge with his running time.
as for his characteristic traits
are as follows:
• his Pain is not cured during the appointment is not made
• Colored white or red patches on the gums
• easy to bleed • tongue pain
• jaw pain
• teeth become weak
• pain during chewing and swallowing food
• a sore throat
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