The Causes and Dangers of High Cholesterol

the community is still not aware of the dangers of cholesterol and is still not aware of the cause of the sign of cholesterol. but cholesterol can lead to death, so the cause of cholesterol must be known from the start so that it can directly handle correctly. Cholesterol is a scary Word for many people.

But not all cholesterol is bad. Overall, the low cholesterol is a good thing unless these types of HDL cholesterol that should be high. Cholesterol is actually necessary for the regeneration of the body's cells, but the circumstances that are too high can make we risk affected by many diseases.
Then signs of high cholesterol should you know.

Signs of High Cholesterol
Given the dangers of cholesterol, you should know in advance why high cholesterol is bad. Cholesterol levels in the blood are not always correlated with weight or composition of fat under the skin. 

There are people with excess weight that has good blood cholesterol composition and often also a person with an ideal weight that cholesterol levels in the blood. Actually, the key word is ' in the blood '. Yes, cholesterol in a dangerous blood. Why? Because of cholesterol, which is fat, the blood can hoard and the lining of blood vessel walls.

When the higher cholesterol buildup, then blood vessels narrow cavities. This situation is dangerous because it can cause organ loss or lack of intake of the blood that carries oxygen and nutrients.

Here are the signs of high cholesterol in the blood:

initially, there are no symptoms
Although popular in a society that the signs of high cholesterol in the blood are feels sore in the shoulder or neck, but the statement is not always true. From the point of view of medical science, high cholesterol will not cause a sore neck or shoulders when the State of high cholesterol is still at an early stage. But it is precisely this need to be very wary.

This suggests that many people who felt he was healthy but high levels of cholesterol in the blood. And usually, have high cholesterol found out recently when dangerous signs have already appeared

• Check blood cholesterol levels in laboratory
Signs of high cholesterol is most definitely is when cholesterol in lab test results showed high numbers. Because in the beginning is not symptoms, then the wisest thing you can do is to saw cholesterol levels in the lab when age 20 years. If possible repeat in 2 years.

The number of high cholesterol levels can be a sign of danger and alert before Your body organs attacked by diseases such as severe heart attacks.

• chest pain
Signs of high cholesterol are dangerous is when it feels chest pain. This is one of the symptoms of heart disease. Heart disease that can arise because high cholesterol is a heart attack and symptoms of a heart attack.

Is a symptom of heart disease is a State where the heart of the lack of oxygen from the blood so that it feels pain but the heart cells were still alive? While a heart attack himself is the State where the heart gets no oxygen so heart cells die.

A typical chest pain in heart disease is pain felt in the left chest, or on the solar plexus, the littlest toe or depressed feels like heavy objects, it can spread to the arms, shoulders and left jaw and coupled discharge a lot of cold sweat.

• Quick Feet Achy, tingling, and numbness when activity
It is the signs of high cholesterol when organs muscle and nerves in the legs lack intake of nutrients from the blood. The perceived symptoms are quick to feel Achy, tingling or numbness in the legs after activity such as walking or running.

Typically, these feelings will disappear and it gets better when the walk ended. When severe, the foot will quickly feel Achy, tingling, and numbness when the activities carried out including the light. Even at this late stage, the legs will feel a sensation of discomfort when resting and can be tasted cold continuously.

• Stroke and Stroke symptoms
Signs of high cholesterol are other harmful is when a stroke or symptoms of a stroke. Stroke is a disease caused by decreased blood flow to the brain so that the brain is a lack of oxygen.

Symptoms of stroke alone are not able to move his hands or feet on one side (for example right only), unable to talk moves the face, feel the tingling or numbness on one side, can even make a person miserable cannot Speaking at all.

Tips and how to lower your high cholesterol that you can do?
Signs of high cholesterol is mainly that they were indeed daunting. Unfortunately, a lot of the fear society also saw cholesterol levels in the blood due to the worry about not able to live comfortably and easy again.

Indeed do how lower cholesterol high is a lifestyle change that must be done for life. But still, prevent more than treat. Let alone treat an illness that occurs due to high cholesterol.

Here are some ways of lowering high cholesterol:

• Keep your eating patterns.
No need, just enough food abstinence reducing food with high fat such as fried foods and fatty meat. Let yourself keep eating it but limit the amount.

• achieving weight ideal.
Indeed cholesterol levels do not correlate with weight. But being overweight can make you increasingly at risk of suffering complications of high cholesterol signs.

• Perform regular physical activity.
No need to do heavy exercise difficult. Quite a fast walk or jog at least 30 minutes a day relaxing is done per day 2 days.

• quit smoking.
The lungs are not the main target of the ugliness of smoking, but the blood vessels as well. In fact, smoking will not increase blood cholesterol levels but can hoard more cholesterol in the blood vessel walls.

• do not forget treated other medical ailments.
What is meant here is mainly a disease of diabetes or high blood and diabetes. The two diseases can cooperate with high cholesterol to damage important organs in your body. High cholesterol is indeed scary.

Not feeling the symptoms no apparent meaning your cholesterol is normal but may have already achieved high scores. Then the cholesterol levels are checked on a regular basis is a good idea to do. Increase Your vigilance especially when signs of high cholesterol are already real.

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