Orchitis – Symptoms, Causes, Medications, and Prevention

What is Orchitis?
Orchitis is inflammation of one or both testes (phallus) at once. Testes in the scrotum become painful, swollen and visible redness. The cause of orchitis is bacterial infections or viruses. Viral infections that cause it is often included in viruses when the sufferer is experiencing mumps. About 14% to 35% of men who undergo mumps orchitis. The highest risk occurs at age 15 to 29 years.

What are the signs and symptoms of Orchitis?
Pain in the groin and the phallus fruit is the main symptom of orchitis. Other symptoms include:
• scrotum being sensitive (easy pain when touched)
• scrotal swelling
• swelling in the lymph nodes groin
• fever
• painful urination
• painful ejaculation
• blood in the semen
• enlarged prostate
• nausea and vomiting

When to see a doctor?
If you experience pain or swelling in the scrotum, particularly if the pain suddenly, immediately visit a doctor.

A number of conditions can cause testicular pain, and some conditions require immediate care. E.g. testicular torsion (a twisted testicle channels)

What is the cause of orchitis?
There are two forms of orchitis, namely, bacterial and viral. The most common cause of viral orchitis is in the virus (mumps).

Although the disease is more often strikes children, however, these types of orchitis are more frequently experienced by men who've stepped on puberty.

Symptoms of orchitis usually begin to appear 4 to 8 days after the onset of swelling of the salivary glands in the cheeks (mumps), though it can occur before or even without any mumps on the cheek. As for bacterial orchitis, arising from the continuation of urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections (STI) such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and a related condition called epididymitis.

Epididymitis is inflammation of the epididymis. These are the tubes that store and transmit sperm because connecting to the vas deferens phallus fruit.
There is one more type of orchitis which is not known with any certainty the cause, so-called idiopathic orchitis

Who is more at risk of becoming infected with orchitis?
The highest risk for viral orchitis is men aged 15 to 29 years old who have not been immunized MMR.

Congenital abnormality of the urinary tract can also increase the risk of orchitis. This means that the risk is high for someone who was born with structural abnormalities in the urinary bladder or urethra.

How to ensure the diagnosis of orchitis?
After the doctor asked something related symptoms that you feel as well as a history of previous illness, examination ever conducted.
There are several checks necessary to ensure the diagnosis of orchitis, namely:
• Examination of the testicles. Visible by the naked eye, scrotal SAC or fruit phallus it looks swell, redness, and feels pain when touched.
• Examination of the rectal plug. To ascertain whether the prostate also experiences inflammation. This is done by entering a doctor two fingers into the patient's rectum to feel the prostate.
• Examination of urine and body duh. The doctor may ask for a sample of urine and wipe any liquid that comes out at the end of the penis (duh) for laboratory analysis. This can determine the presence of other infections or STI.
• blood tests. These tests serve to find out whether the patient is infected with the HIV virus, syphilis, or other sexually transmitted diseases.
• Ultrasound. Imaging with ultrasound can rule out testicular torsion. Testicular torsion is the twisting of the testicular tube that causes great pain in the testicular area and the groin, testicle, and symptoms are often confused with orchitis. This problem can threaten fertility if it comes to interfere with blood flow to the testicle. Therefore, should immediately see a doctor.
• Imaging Tests on the testes.
A contrast substance is inserted into the scanner and special blood flow will be able to see and map the blood flow to the testicle.

How to treat orchitis in the House?
There is no specific cure for viral orchitis because these conditions will disappear by itself. In the meantime, you can use the drug at home to deal with the symptoms that appear. 

Total rest in bed, use of pain relievers (such as paracetamol or ibuprofen), apply ice, compress and elevate the lift or a swollen testicle whenever possible can make it more comfortable. The average recovery time 3-7 day.

Another case of orchitis bacteria, so handling should be done by a professional because health workers need special medicines to eradicate the bacteria causes.

What are the treatment and cure orchitis bacteria?
Orchitis of bacteria treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge, and pains. Regardless of the source of inflammation, a full recovery could take a couple of weeks to make sure that antibiotics are prescribed by the rules for drinking and spent, though the symptoms are improving after taking medication several times. Spent very important antibiotics to eradicate the bacteria completely and prevent recurrence.

What are the dangers of orchitis complications that may arise?
Most men who suffer orchitis recover completely without any long-term effects. Orchitis rarely causes infertility or sterility.

Other complications include rarely include:
• chronic inflammation of the epididymis.
• abscess or pus in the heap in the scrotum.
• the affected testicle shrinkage.
• Testicular tissue death


How to prevent orchitis?
Some cases of orchitis cannot be prevented, especially true for those who have congenital urinary tract abnormalities. However, each person can protect itself from orchitis virus. For example by vaccination and other efforts in order to avoid viewing from mumps As for bacterial, orchitis can be prevented by living a life of safe sex, such as by using condoms or avoid mutually exchange partner.

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