Lack Of Physical Activity Can Cause Death! why can be?
Saturday, July 28, 2018
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How often do you do physical
activity in one day? Do You include people who are lazy to physical activity?
Slacker type of person?
Yes, if you include the last of the type mentioned above, maybe you
should also speak to consider.
The World Health Organization — the World Health Organization (WHO) —
have been getting data, that as much as 23% of adults, and 81% of teens in the
world less doing physical activity.
Did you know, that lack of physical activity causes approximately 3.2
million people died? Yes, in fact the less physical activity turned out to be a
risk factor of death in the world.
The less risky physical activity affected by the disease is not
contagious, such as stroke, diabetes and cancer. It is estimated as many as
21-25% of breast cancer and colon cancer, diabetes and 27% 30% ischaemic heart
disease is caused because the sufferer less physical activity.
What Is Physical Activity?
Many people consider, that physical activity equal to work out. Well,
if you too are one of those who think this way, you are wrong.
Physical activity is the movement of the muscles of the body so the
energy that exists in the body is used. Sports are part of the movement is
structured physical activity.
Physical activity not only
exercise, but also includes:
-Daily activities. For example, walk or cycle to work or school, doing
homework, gardening, doing a hobby that demanded active motion — as Do It
Yourself, for example — also other activity that demands you work manually, not
with a machine or technology.
-Recreational activity that
demands an active movement, such as dancing, doing children's games, such as
play catch-up.
-Sports, from the start of the
pool or gym, high impact or low impact, all sports categorized as a physical activity
Yes, so physical activity is not just limited to sports alone, Yes,
but all the activities that make us move actively.
What are the benefits of
physical activity for health?
By doing physical activity, we can obtain many benefits, among them:
1. Weight control.
2. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases,
such as heart disease and stroke, as well as lowering blood pressure.
3. Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, as did physical activity will
help control the sugar levels in the blood.
4. Reduce the risk of cancer, such as lung cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. For patients with cancer,
doing a physical activity can improve
physical health and quality of life.
5. Strengthens bones and muscles, and will improve the ability of pain
for patients with arthritis or joint pain, so it is more comfortable in
performing daily activities.
6. Improve mental health and mood, as well as preventing depression.
7. Someone who often experience insomnia, physical activity can help
to be able to sleep better.
8. With getting used to doing
physical activity as a sedentary lifestyle can increase the age of life
How long should ideally we need
Time to do physical activity To healthy?
Children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years of age need to do a
physical activity for 60 minutes a day. Physical activity can be done such as
walking to school, cycling, playing soccer, basketball or tennis, playing jump
rope, climbing trees, playing actively with friends and family, dancing or
doing yoga.
Need a physical activity for
adults aged 18 to 64 years are slightly different, i.e. for at least 150
minutes or 2 hours 30 minutes moderate activity for during the week, or 75
minutes a week for a strenuous activity.
In addition to its daily physical activity, adults also need to
increase physical activity by doing activities that involve muscle strength,
such as gardening, sit-ups or push-ups 2 times or more in a week.
If you observe, time 2 hours 30 minutes for a week is not a long time
Yes. Well, almost the same time to watch the film once.
If this just feels heavy for you, to make it easier and feels light, moderate activity can be done 30 minutes
per day for 5 days. and 2 days to do activities for muscle strength.
If you choose to do strenuous activity, then you can do it for 25
minutes per day in 3 days, and 2 the next day to do the activities that train
the muscle strength.
A medium activity that you can
do e.g. walk, doing aerobics, cycling or play tennis, so double heart rate
increased slightly.
The strenuous activity would
make the intensity of breath going up and heart rate increased even more, and
it's worth it once we do. Activities that we can do, such as jogging, swimming,
cycling or cycling in the hills, playing singles tennis or basketball.
Do one-minute strenuous activity
equal to do 2 minutes of moderate activity. If you want to do a combination of
moderate physical activity and weight, then you can do so by 3 days to moderate
physical activity for 30 minutes per day, 2 days for strenuous activity for 15
minutes per day, and other activity for 2 days physical for muscle strength.
For the elderly (elderly) who are aged 65 years and over, the same as
the physical activity needs of people aged 18 to 64 years. Physical activity
for the elderly can be useful to prevent the occurrence of a wide range of
health problems. Elderly with low mobility can do physical activity 3 or more
days a week to maintain the body's balance and prevent the fall. Customize
activities physical activity with the conditions and the ability of the body.
Physical activity for pregnant
Of course, the expectant mothers
also need physical activity every day. By no means,
because the middle is pregnant, then you could just laze around all day. It is
precisely this could harm your pregnancy health.
Pregnant women and nursing mothers should keep doing physical activity unless there is a specific medical
reason. Physical activity is essential
will not affect pregnancy, to result in a baby born with low weight, premature
birth, miscarriage or reduce the amount of BREAST
MILK produced by the mother. Thus physical activity will be more healthy
for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
It's just that, although he is allowed to play physical, pregnant
women need to avoid activities that involve lying on your back or movement. Also, avoid activities that are at risk of
falling over and causing injury to the stomach. For example, like playing
Physical activity also is recommended to be done by nursing mothers or
post-birth, because physical activity is able to let go of the stress and
fatigue that may be experienced, can increase the good mood on mothers, as well
as to help lose weight post birth.
Well, from the explanation above, you now convinced kan, that it is
important for us to continue the physical
activity, whether it's doing homework, leisure or exercise.
Yuk, began to organize your schedule again, and insert a variety of
fun physical activity during your routine. Yuk, prevent various diseases with
physical activity!
Come on, do a physical activity for the health of our bodies!
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