Whether pregnant women Should Eat Mushroom or Harmful to pregnancy? See the following information..

Pregnant women cravings to eat can make messes. Maybe you yourself or Your close relatives who are currently pregnant cravings to eat mushroom dishes. Either the usual fried mushrooms on sale at the mall or as simple as grilled mushrooms home made. So the next question is, is it permissible to eat mushrooms when pregnant? Are there any benefits? Find out the answer in this article.

Can pregnant women eat mushroom?
Pregnant women are required to be more observant parse-pick the food; where to be and should not be consumed during pregnancy. The reason, the selection of a good food source is the key to a healthy pregnancy.

Well for those of you interested in mushroom dishes that are pregnant, happy. Offered from pages Mom Junction, you can only eat mushrooms when pregnant.

Nutrients contained in mushrooms is not useful only for yourself, but also good for the growing swell of prospective heart fruit in the womb.

What are the nutrients obtained from eat mushrooms when pregnant?
The mushroom is one of the foods that are nutrient dense so it can help meet Your nutritional needs and potential of the baby. Some of the benefits to be had if you eat mushrooms when pregnant is:

1.Intake of vitamin B complex for the development of the brain, nerves, muscles, and bones of infants
Mushrooms are rich in vitamin B complex, including thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5). All this has the functions of vitamin B is good for the health of the mother at the same time support the development of a baby during pregnancy.

For mom, the intake of vitamin B complex has long been known to help treat or prevent certain health problems, including depression, fatigue, heart disease, reduce stress, to stimulate the immune system. Vitamin B complex also helps increase stamina of the body and protects you against the risk of long term damage due to air pollution.

Meanwhile, niacin and thiamine help baby's brain development; Riboflavin is maintaining healthy skin, vision, as well as the development of the nerves, muscles, and bones strong baby; and Pantothenic acid which regulates various metabolic activities of the body.

2. Vitamin D helps the growth of teeth and bones strong baby
In addition to the B vitamins, vitamin D is another important nutrient that is required while pregnant. Vitamin D can help you to fight the infection. This vitamin can also help prevent diabetes and some cancers.

Lack of vitamin D while pregnant could lead to fatigue, back pain, bone weakening, until the depression. Lack of vitamin D, while you are pregnant, can prevent the baby from getting enough calcium and phosphate. This causes a weak development of teeth and bones, and in little cases can also increase the risk of rickets (soft bone disease) in your baby.

Keeping bones strong and healthy is very important to the growth of children, but it should have started already by established since the womb.

3. the iron to prevent pregnant women exposed to anemia
It is very important to keep Your iron levels during pregnancy. If you are not a sufficient intake of iron daily, then you will easily feel tired, high-risk natural anemia, and easily got sick.

Anemia due to iron deficiency in two trismester the first associated with the risk of premature birth until doubled and tripled the risk of low birth weight. Fortunately, iron deficiency is easy to be prevented and treated. One way is by eating mushrooms while pregnant.

4. fiber and Protein to build muscle mass baby
Same is the case with other vegetable sources, the fungus is also equipped with protein and fiber abundant in number. Protein is necessary for the development of the fetal body thoroughly because it contributes to the formation of muscle mass.

On the other hand, the fiber is capable of waging the digestion while preventing constipation frequently occurs during pregnancy.

5. Antioxidants to keep the immune system of the mother
Other benefits of eating mushrooms while pregnant are its antioxidant effects, i.e. selenium and ergothioneine. Both kinds of these antioxidants are able to boost the immune system and protects the body's cells from damage caused by the attack of free radicals.

Not only that, in addition to various essential nutrients above, mushrooms also contain zinc, potassium, and selenium. All these minerals certainly played an important role in assisting the growth and development of the fetus.

The rules to be aware of when you want to eat mushrooms when pregnant After knowing the diverse benefits as good, maybe you got interested to try to eat mushrooms when pregnant. But before you try it, check out some of the following tips could be your guide:

  • ·         Select and buy fresh mushrooms

  • ·         If you want to buy processed mushrooms, check beforehand the expiration date provided

  • ·         clean and cook mushrooms until cooked perfectly

  • ·     When the fear of side effects caused by the mold, preferably eat mushrooms in small amounts first and see how his reaction. Soon avoid if an allergic reaction has occurred.

Although eat mushrooms when pregnant is judged safe and useful, but you should avoid eating raw mushrooms that have not been through the process of processing. It's also important to distinguish what mushrooms could and should not be consumed because of not all types of edible mushrooms.

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