5 Myths that circulate in society of hypertension

hypertension, how can be exposed to hypertension?
High blood pressure, or better known as hypertension, is a disease that is sometimes underestimated. So, still coupled with the presence of some myths circulating the hypertension problem in a society to making increase misunderstanding.

Whereas, if we misunderstand hypertension, may we so wrong also in the handle.

Therefore, let's browse some of the myths surrounding hypertension and also what are the true facts.

5 Myths that circulate in a society of hypertension

1. Hypertension without complaint it is harmless. Sometimes we assume that as long as we don't feel any complaints, then it means the condition of our body is fine. But when measured by meter tension, we proved to have the symptoms of hypertension.

Because it feels fine, then we feel no need to have a healthy living pattern, also do not need to take drugs. Well, of course, it is less precise. The origin of the idea, that hypertension can indeed not only gave rise to the complaint. We will feel as healthy as ever and is fine.

Did you know, that hypertension is also known as a silent disease? Yes, it's because the symptoms of hypertension could be is not felt. Or, the complaint. There's feeling heart palpitation continue, feels stiff neck, aching head like feel like spinning, there is pressure, tingling and blurry eyes often.

There are still many signs of another possible hypertension we feel, which is perhaps different from the others. To note is that although the symptoms of hypertension are not we feel, the damage that occurs in the body due to hypertension continues.

Whoa! Then what should we do, if we have ever been diagnosed with hypertension by a stated/doctor, but without appearing a complaint?

To be sure, we should check our blood pressure on a regular basis. Preferably, checking blood pressure for the elderly conducted routinely every three months and for the nonseniors every six months. If we monitored blood pressure above normal, then immediately consult a doctor.

2. The Agency is already bad, it will no longer need to take medication. This habit too ya! Because it is preferable, then yes no longer need to take medication, else no need to control the doctor.

Do you already have an easy way! Well, the treatment of hypertension is indeed felt boring. Correct? Just imagine, we must take medication daily hypertension side effects so sound like, aka frequent urination.

Argh! Annoying as hell not? One thing must be kept in mind. Treatment of hypertension is indeed not the same as a treatment against other diseases, such as hay fever.
Febrifuge can be stopped when complaints are not felt anymore.

But, not so with the medication of hypertension. Treatment of hypertension is a process of long-term treatment. We must diligently control the doctor. Kok must be so why Yes? Yes, because a patient is hypertensive should always be controlled their blood pressure, to match the target and does not cause damage to organs and other complaints.

Thus, although the Agency already preferably, remedies hypertension should still be drunk as recommended by a doctor. You can stop it if doctors advised him that way.

3. A young age is not at risk for hypertension. Ah, right? Nih, which makes us so wary of the silent disease. Remember, age is simply is one of the risk factors for hypertension. There are still many factors cause hypertension other worthy of note. What's it? Let's take a look. Hypertension risk factors that cannot be changed:
a. Age
b. gender
c. a history of hypertension and heart disease in the family

Meanwhile, the risk factors that can be modified:

1. excessive salt Consumption
2. excessive alcohol consumption
3. Less physical activity like sitting too long, a little motion, lack of exercise, etc.
4. Obesity or overweight
5. Other health disorder, or due to the interference of fats in the blood, could be high levels of total cholesterol (200 > MD/dL)
6. Diabetes mellitus
7. Stress

Well, you could see, that age is just one risk factor, so even though you are young but if you have other risk factors, then You could have indeed suffered from hypertension.

4. absolutely pointless hypertension Sufferers could eat salt. one of the risk factors of hypertension is excessive salt consumption. However, it does not mean cannot eat salt at all.

If you are diagnosed with hypertension, You should still consume salt, but the amount must be controlled with tight. Salt consumption recommendations for sufferers of hypertension is two grams or 1 teaspoon per day.

It should be noted, that the salt that is calculated not only the salt alone, Yes, but also including the salt that is found in various foods that you consume each day. Yes, included in the instant food or fast food.

5. Total abstinence from consumption of goat meat. Most of the sufferers of hypertension will surely mention goat meat as one of the foods that must be avoided. His reasons, because goat meat rapidly raises blood pressure.

In fact, this is not true aka myth. The cholesterol content of goat's meat is indeed lower than beef and chicken. Then why after the consumption of goat meat, my direct blood pressure rise? It should be understood that the way food processing, the use of herbs may change the nutrient content of food.

Goat meat which mingled with burnt especially fried, spices salt excess would trigger high blood pressure.  Blood pressure especially those people with hypertension can ride fast.

6. Hypertension cannot be prevented. Well, the myth of hypertension this one don't completely wrong too anyway because there is indeed some risk factors hypertension that cannot be changed. Such as age, gender and family history.

But remember, there are still some other risk factors that can be changed, such as salt, alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, and stress. Risk factors that you can change it, of course, can we set it up, right? For example, such as limiting salt consumption, reduce alcohol, quit smoking,

schedule regular exercise as well as do a picnic more so happy! If you are happy, no doubt the stress will be gone right? Well, once you know the various myths surrounding hypertension, now let's see some facts about hypertension that might help you understand more about this disease.

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