What is breast cancer?

What is breast cancer?

breast cancer is a threat to every woman. Malignant tumors are cancer cells that evolve rapidly into surrounding tissue or spread to more distant parts of the body. The disease almost always occurs in women but can also occur in men.

Cancer cells can form in the fatty tissue in the breasts, mammary glands (lobulus), or in the milk (duct)

How often this disease happen?

breast cancer occurs in women adult and teens usually. This cancer occurs in 1 out of 8 women in the world. This can be overcome by lowering your risk factors. Consult your doctor for more information.
Distinctive & symptoms

What are the signs of breast cancer?

Characteristics of breast cancer the most typical is the appearance of lumps in the breast. Bump characteristics of breast cancer have a texture that is hard with no apparent limit and uneven surface.

The lump also remained 8 to 10 days after menstruation. When the lump breast cancer characteristics near the nipple, it would seem that the nipple is interested in and rather difficult driven (sticky).

In addition to the appearance of lumps, signs, and characteristics of breast cancer that you can recognize the other is:

  • Any change in shape, breast size
  • Change form on the nipple of the breast.
  • Breast pain that never goes away, even when you are already logged in to the periodicity next month.
  • However, there are also some women who do not experience pain or pain in her breasts.
  • Nipple discharge, clear, Brown, or yellow.
  • Nipple suddenly flushed and swollen with no known cause.
  • Swelling around the armpit caused by enlargement of the lymph nodes in the area.
  • Venous vessels seen on the breast, as a result the veins at the tits clearly visible.
  • At an advanced stage presence began to seem the abnormality on the skin of the breast (like orange peel or skin redness), sometimes the skin too so Haggard like dimples because attracted by the bumps. 
If you experience or suspect any of the symptoms and characteristics of breast cancer as we mentioned above, we recommend that you check with your doctor immediately. This is done so that you get the proper handling in accordance with your condition. With responsiveness to the characteristics of breast cancer, then your chances to recover from this disease are also getting bigger.

There may be some signs or symptoms of breast cancer that has not been mentioned. If you want to know the features of breast cancer further, consult with your doctor.
When should I see a doctor?

You should immediately checked myself to the doctor if the suspect has one of the sign or signs of breast cancer as it was already mentioned above. Breast exam independently and regularly it is important to do.

Generally, symptoms of early stage breast cancer does not cause pain. If you feel the other breast cancer symptoms, immediately go to the doctor without waiting for the pain to appear. Early detection increases the chances of breast cancer patient's life.

Who is at risk of this illness?

Here are some risk factors that can be the cause of breast cancer is:

Gender. Women are 100 times more commonly diagnosed breast than men. Having large breasts, experiencing early menopause, and menstruation age could also be a risk factor for other causes of breast cancer.

Age. Old age is the main risk factor so the causes of breast cancer and other chronic diseases. With increasing age, the higher your risk.

A family history. This means that if any members of your family the blood (the mother, child, or sibling of the women) who suffer from breast cancer in high-potential, you are experiencing similar things.

In addition to some of the things already mentioned above, according to the American Cancer Society, lifestyle factors can also be a cause of breast cancer such as obesity, alcoholics, taking birth control pills, had their first child in old age, have no children, use of hormone replacement therapy.

Consult a doctor to find out more information related to other factors so the cause of this condition.

Drug Treatment

The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice. ALWAYS consult Your doctor.
What are the breast cancer drug commonly used?

Your doctor determines the therapy as a cure for breast cancer based on the following factors:

  •     The type of cancer in the breast
  •     Breast cancer stages
  •     The size of the cancer in the breast
  •     The sensitivity of cancer cells against hormones
  •     Your overall health condition 
There are 5 types of standard therapies that can be done as a cure breast cancer doctors, among them:

1. the Surgery
Conservative surgery, namely lifting the cancer cells along with the lymph nodes involved.
Total mastectomy, i.e. lifting the entire affected breast cancer.

Modified radical mastectomy (a modified radical mastectomy), i.e., lifting the entire affected breast cancer, lymph nodes under the armpit, all the muscles of the chest, and sometimes a portion of the muscle wall of the chest.

2. Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy is a cancer therapy using high-powered x-rays that are targeted to kill cancer cells or to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This therapy is generally done on a regular basis to women who are at high risk after undergoing mastectomy procedures.

3. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy, namely cancer therapy using drugs to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This therapy can be done before surgery to shrink the tumor before it lifted. In addition, this therapy can also be done after surgery to prevent tumor growth back.

4. Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy is cancer therapies work by inhibiting hormones and prevent the development of cancer cells. This therapy is effective only on cancer in the breast that are sensitive to hormones. Your doctor will conduct an examination to determine the type of the cancer in your breast.

5. Therapeutic target
Target therapy is therapy that uses drugs or other chemicals to identify and attack specific cancer cells without killing normal cells. These therapies include:

  •     Monoclonal antibodies
  •     Inhibitor of tyrosine kinase
  •     Cyclin-dependent kinase PIs (an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase)
Therapies used can be any combination of multiple therapies. Consult your doctor for the therapy options that are right for you.

A wide selection of breast cancer drugs used in chemotherapy
If you have symptoms of breast cancer in early stage, there are some types of chemotherapy drugs that you can consume. Early stage breast cancer drug commonly used in chemotherapy include anthracyclines (such as doxorubicin/epirubicin/® and Adriamycin Ellence®) and taxanes (paclitaxel/Taxol®-like and docetaxel/Taxotere®). This medication may also be used in combination with certain other drugs, such as fluorouracil (5-FU), siklofosfamid (Cytoxan®), and carboplatin.

While breast cancer drug to an advanced stage that is often used in chemotherapy include:
    Agency Platinum (cisplatin, carboplatin)
    Vinorelbine (Navelbine®)
    Capecitabine (Xeloda®)
    Liposomal doxorubicin (Doxil®)
    Gemcitabine (Gemzar®)
    Ixabepilone (Ixempra®)
    Albumin-bound paclitaxel (Abraxane-paclitaxel or capture®)
    Eribulin (Halaven®)

There may be some other breast cancer drugs that are not mentioned above. Always consult a doctor about breast cancer drug that you consume. Basically breast cancer drugs will depend on the age, condition, as well as the development of cancer cells. That's why, always consult a doctor for breast cancer drugs linked to suit your needs.

Treatment at home
What are the lifestyle changes that can be done to address this disease?

Lifestyle and home remedies can help you cope with breast cancer:

A healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet and exercising regularly is important.  You can start by reducing the consumption of alcohol and stop smoking.

A healthy diet. The consumption of good nutrition is very important. You will be hard to hold the food in the stomach because the therapy you receive may cause nausea or change Your taste sensations. This may help you to eat food with smaller portions and more often now.

Regular exercise. Cancer can cause prolonged lethargy and will not improve with rest. Exercising regularly can help you get rid of limp. You can start with a walk and pick a sport that is comfortable for you.

How to prevent breast cancer?

Powerful ways to prevent this disease is to avoid all risk factors cause. In addition, be aware of the symptoms of breast cancer by early detection is also an important step to prevent this disease.

Here are some ways of early detection for breast cancer symptoms to be aware of what you can do.

1. check your own breasts
The easiest step is to know the symptoms of breast cancer is breast self examinations with the aim to check for lumps on the breast. You can do this inspection at home regularly. The checks done regularly will help you to recognize the texture of normal breast tissue.

Therefore, if one day you feel something unusual on the breast, you can immediately saw a doctor.

The best time to check your breast is a few days after the menstrual cycle is complete. Due to hormonal changes can affect the shape and your feelings towards the breasts, the most good is when your breasts are at normal status.

2. Mammografi
You can check mammografi regularly to detect whether there are cancer cells in the breast part. This important examination conducted to know the early symptoms of breast cancer. Mammografi himself is scanning techniques of x-ray images using low-dose x-rays to detect and diagnose breast cancer.

This procedure generally required for a woman who was more than 40 years. However, if you or your family have a history of breast cancer, the doctor will probably recommend to perform this inspection it early and often.

When doing memmografi, your breasts will be affixed on the screen of the scanner x-rays. Then, a compressor will your breast pressing down to flatten the network to show a clearer picture of your breasts.

For those of you new to first perform this procedure, you will probably feel a bit of pain or discomfort. But don't worry, pain and discomfort will not last long.

During the procedure, the doctor will check the results displayed on the screen image scanners and radiological technician asks to take some extra pictures if existing results look less obvious or in need of further examination. Don't panic, it is common to do.

3. Changes in lifestyle
Some lifestyle changes may help prevent breast cancer, namely:

Limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption is no more than one glass per heart. Better yet, stop consuming alcohol in total.

Regular exercise. Medium intensity exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes per day. This can be started with just simply walk, cycling, jogging, etc. When necessary, ask the doctor related sports that suit your conditions.

Limit post menopausal hormone therapy. Combination hormone therapy can increase the risk of developing cancer in the breast. That is why, talking back to your doctor related benefits as well as risks of terpai hormones.

Healthy weight loss. Try to get healthy and ideal weight. If you need to lose a lot of weight, ask your doctor about healthy stretegi to achieve this. Basically the key to lose weight simply reduce your calorie intake and expand the sport.

A healthy diet. Food intake was in fact also plays an important role to prevent these cancers. Therefore, consider your daily food intake. Konsumsilah food with balanced nutrition from fruits and vegetables and avoid foods that contain high fat.

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