When is the right time to Prevent Stunting Children?
Friday, March 22, 2019
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Lately, you as a parent might often hear about
"stunting" in children. Yes, stunting became one of the focus of the
Government in improving the quality of human resources in Indonesia. Many
studies have proven that children who grow up stunting bring much harm to him.
For example, are at risk of experiencing problems of development which can not
be changed anymore, so the impact is long on his future. Then, whether stunting
can be prevented? When is the best time to prevent stunting children?
What is stunting?
Stunting, or also can be called short is a condition in
which the height of the child does not fit with his age. This could indicate
that the growth of children stunted.
Stunting can be caused by nutritional deficiencies for a
long time, since the child is still in the womb until the child was two years
old. This can be caused by a poor feeding practices, lack of nutrients, cukupan
and repeated infectious diseases that can prevent the baby gets the nutrients
he needs for growth.
What is the result of stunting?
Stunting can be bad in the long or short time. This could be
influential in the life of a baby in the future, both in terms of health,
education, and economics.
Stunting in children could affect development of the brain.
As a result, the performance of children in school could be worse than a child
who does stunting. In the days to come, this could be a child's life can affect
the economy. Economists even predicted that the stunting can reduce a country's
GDP amounted to 12%.
In addition, stunting children generally have an immune
system that is weaker and also have a greater risk of serious diseases, such as
diabetes and cancer. The impact of stunting in fact can also be forwarded to
the next generation. Mothers who give birth to babies who are at risk of
stunting also stunting in the adequacy of its nutrition value does not note.
Unfortunately, this can not be a stunting conditions
improved. There is a possibility it could be repaired, however it is in need of
the support of the new environment. To that end, it is important for parents to
be able to prevent Your child stunting.
When is the right time to prevent stunting children?
It's hard to improve an already experienced stunting the
child if the child is already more than 2 years old. This is because until the
age of two years is time critical (critical window) or 1000 times also included
the first day of life (PPC), where at this time the child's growth and development
to occur very quickly.
The body is a high accumulation. So, if in less than two
years of age children are already experiencing a stunting, then it's hard for a
child to grow up to emulate the high child who does stunting. The pursuit of
failed might not be a thing that is not possible, but it takes more effort that
requires a good environment.
To that end, it is important for women to pay attention to
the adequacy of its nutrition value ranging from pregnancy (counted since the
PPC 1000 pregnant women). This period is the beginning of the growth and
development of the child. If since the nutrient content in child nutritional
status well, then the child would be a good time to be born, so contributing to
the growth and development of the child.
Until the child is two years of age, this is a critical
period in a child's growth and development. During this time, the child's
growth and development to occur very quickly, faster than other times even
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