What is a disease of the intestinal worms?

The grassroots declining her weight, loss of appetite, and also experience itching and soreness around her anus? Alert, because he probably contracted the disease intestinal worms.

Indeed these usual intestinal worms attack the diseases of children, especially those who live in neighborhoods that are less healthy and have a pattern of life that is not healthy anyway. Not only children, but disease intestinal worms can also be suffered by adult tablets!

Want to know more about the diseases these intestinal worms? Let's look some fact and also how to see in full in this article.

What is a disease of the intestinal worms?

Diseases of the intestinal worms is a disease caused by a parasite in the form of worms which infect the human body as its host.

This disease typically attacking vulnerable children who are still in the development stage. In addition, it can also be found in adults.

Intestinal worms disease suffered by children can lead to the child's lack of appetite, so their growth is stunted. In addition, the adult makes the weight being dropped even though it doesn't look significantly.
Disease condition of intestinal worms in Indonesia and the world community

Worm infections or diseases, intestinal worms, has always been a disease not be underestimated, because children's health could threaten.

According to Sandjaja (2007), Indonesia is one of the country's endemic Soil-Transmitted Helminths — or infection caused by earthworms — with the number of victims between the ages of 1-14 years the third largest in the world after India and Nigeria, which is around 7% in the year 2012.

Another fact mentioned, that it is estimated there are more than 1.5 billion people, or 24% of the world's population, have been infected with a worm that is transmitted through the ground.

Referring to some of the data are alarming enough other mentions, that the prevalence of diseases of the intestinal worms in Indonesia is still quite high, even up to this moment, that is between 45-65%. Moreover, in certain areas the environment conditions are bad, the prevalence can be higher, reaching 80%!

This is truly terrible!

Whereas, based on data compiled by the successful World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008, obtained the facts as follows:

·         about 800 million to 1 billion people in the world turn out to have been infected by the worm Ascaris lumbricoides
·         700 million to 900 million of the world's population is infected with hookworms (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus)
·         500 million population infected with Trichuris trichiura
·         300 million people infected world Oxyuris vermicularis.

Furthermore, the WHO data (2013) in June, obtained the data that there are more than 1.5 billion, or 24%, of the population in the world is infectedSoil-Transmitted Helminths.

The Main Causes Of Disease Intestinal Worms

Indeed the fact, not all worms are detrimental to humans, but the animals according to their kind this one most are parasites.

There are several types of worms that often infect humans especially in children, namely:

·         Tapeworms (Cestoda), Ribbon-shaped — flat and there are sections along its body, can grow to about 4.5 – 9 meters when mature.
·         Roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides), that are big enough, all 10-35 cm.
·         Whip worm (trichiura Trichiuris), which measured the length of 4-5 cm when adult and shaped like a whip — smooth on the head and thicken on its tail.
·         Hookworms (Ancylostoma duodenale & americacus Necator), which the adults are actually "just" 5-13 millimeters. But due to the small size of this, he could freely enter and penetrate the skin, even got into the blood circulation so that it could get to the lungs and throat.
·         Pinworms, white, size small — only about 5-13 millimeters.

All the beginnings of parasites grow from eggs of worms that get into the body. Microscopic-sized worms eggs can easily fit through the pores of the skin. Parents who are not vigilant on the hygiene of children who were playing ground or mud making egg worm is easily moved by their hands and then enters the body.

As we know, children are usually very playful with the surrounding environment, such as on the ground, where muddy, and others.

This makes the child easily infected with worm eggs.

The worm eggs will develop into larvae of the worm which then will gradually grow into the adult worm. Not only does the worm will grow, breed by laying eggs so that the number will more and more.

Surely, if this is allowed it will threaten our health, especially growing children.

There are several risk factors which can lead to children — and adults — also affected intestinal worms, which are:

1.       Age, typically disease intestinal worms did indeed attack the children who are younger than 10 years — though it could also infect adults, as already mentioned above.
2.       Tropical and humid climates, such as Indonesia are more susceptible to
3.       Bad habit of not keeping proper hygiene especially when eating.
4.       Poor sanitation, especially if there are conditions where human waste is mixed with soil.

Symptoms of intestinal worms that need to be Immediately Alerted

To detect that the intestinal worms or not, there are some things that can be seen from the behavior of the child, namely:

·         Easily tired
·         Cranky
·         Flagging
·         Lack of appetite
·         Feel the itch around the anus especially during nighttime
·         In a more passive activity.

Whereas in terms of the physical, we can check the condition of the children that are experiencing:

·         Weight dropped dramatically
·         Belly
·         Experiencing diarrhea
·         Limp body
·         Skinny body and other symptoms.

When the illness was already acute intestinal worms, then will soon invade other organs, even the brain. If left unchecked, the disease that is sometimes taken lightly by most people this would cause death, for sufferers experiencing nutritional deficiencies due to nutrients in food are absorbed by worms.

Prevention of diseases, particularly intestinal worms in children

Yes, this disease can indeed tremendously underrated and harm if left alone.

Older people should be critical of growing flower children so they can grow up healthy and smart. Hygiene and food are the two most important factors that must be considered by parents.

Even so, it's not that parents become paranoid against these diseases, so forbid children to play outside and limit their space.

This disease can actually be prevented early on in order to make the growth and development of the child is not interrupted.

Prevention of diseases of the intestinal worms can be done by means of:

  • Keep good hygiene, food hygiene, environmental hygiene, and myself. For example, parents can teach children to maintain hygiene, starting from wearing footwear, not defecation carelessly, wash your hands before eating and after using the SOAP, not eating food that was dirty — such as living flies and stuff.
  • Children are still allowed to touch the ground or sand but after that, it was mandatory to wash your hands with running water and SOAP
  • Storing food — especially raw meat and fish properly and separately and processed well until completely cooked
  • Drink clean water that's been boiled until completely cooked
  •  Clean themselves after playing in net
  • Diligently to cut nails

In addition, to better secure, parents should give anthelmintic in children at least once every 6 months.

If symptoms of the disease have occurred worms as already described above, immediately consult a doctor.

Well, hopefully, we can all keep clean themselves and the environment by better after this, lest an infection of worms does not need to come and attack us Yes.

Healthy always!

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