What is type 2 diabetes? (Part one)

What is type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic (chronic) disease that the gastric gland does not produce enough insulin. Regular diabetes characterized by blood sugar levels above normal. While type 2 diabetes is diabetes caused the body's ineffective use of insulin or insulin deficiency relatively compared to blood sugar levels.

Type 2 diabetics in (Indonesia as a sample)
In the year 2015, diabetics in Indonesia is estimated to reach 10 million people by age range 20-79 years (quoted from the International Diabetes Federation).  However, only about half of those who were aware of his condition.

Research results in Riskesdas (Basic Health Research) of the Ministry of the health of Indonesia in the year 2013, around 12 million inhabitants of Indonesia who are over the age of 15 suffer from type 2 diabetes. This means that 6.9 percent of the total population above 15 years of age.

Cells in the human body need energy from sugars (glucose) to be able to function normally. That normally control the sugar in the blood is the hormone insulin. Insulin helps the cells take up and use glucose from the bloodstream.

If the body is insulin deficient relative, meaning that blood sugar levels very much due to the intake of excessive insulin levels so that it appears reduced; or emerging resistance to insulin in the cells of the body, levels of sugar (glucose) blood will increase dramatically.  Here's what the triggers and causes diabetes (diabetes mellitus).

Type 2 diabetes usually occurs in people who have excess weight and lack of physical motion. Usually, the pattern of life of inactivity much triggered the disease. That's why type 2 diabetes from commonly found in adults. But now, the number of sufferers of type 2 diabetes in children also began to increase.

 The symptoms of Diabetes
Symptoms of type 2 diabetes is a classic symptom, meaning that this is a symptom that is always present in diabetes, either type 1 or type 2. Of which:
• frequent urination, especially at night.
• Often feel thirsty.
• increased hunger frequently.

Other symptoms may also appear in type 2 diabetes, among other things:
• fatigue.
• Decreased muscle mass.
• The decline in weight.
• wounds that slowly heal or often have infections.
• the views blur.
consult to the doctor if you feel the symptoms above so that the diagnosis and early treatment can be performed.

Treatment and complications of type 2 Diabetes
Although diabetes cannot be cured, early diagnosis is very important so that diabetes can be immediately dealt with. Early detection allows the blood sugar levels of diabetics to be controlled.
The goal of diabetes treatment is to maintain the balance of blood sugar levels and control of symptoms to prevent the complications that may occur.

Lifestyle change can also control the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, for example by applying the pattern of healthy eating, regular exercise, limiting alcohol consumption, and smoking cessation.
This type of diabetes is a progressive disease.

Therefore, type 2 diabetics will generally need drugs to keep the balance blood sugar levels. Diabetes can lead to numerous complications if ignored. High blood sugar levels can cause damage to blood vessels, nerves, and organs of the body.

Diabetes experienced by pregnant women
Diabetes can also be experienced by pregnant women and is usually known as diabetes gestational. This happens because the pregnant sometimes have blood sugar levels that exceed the normal but still not including the sugar levels in diabetes, but insulin also could not control it.

Gestational diabetes can increase the risk of health complications in the mother and fetus. Therefore, it is very important for pregnant diabetics to maintain balance in their blood sugar levels

Causes of type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas organ in the body of the sufferer does not produce enough insulin to maintain relative blood sugar levels within the normal range. Blood sugar levels are usually controlled by the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas. Insulin serves to move the sugar from the blood into the cells of the body that will turn it into energy.
There are a number of factors behind the lack of insulin production in type 2 diabetes. Some risk factors include:
• the age factor.
The risk of type 2 diabetes will be higher as you get older. This may be triggered by the weight tends to increase and frequency of exercise diminishes as we making old. This type of diabetes generally strikes people aged 40 or over. Asian neighbors people risk even higher, i.e. at the age of 25 years and over.

• the influence of Heredity.
Have family members (especially the nuclear family as father, mother, and siblings) who suffer from diabetes will also increase your risk. The risks for children with a father or mother of type 2 diabetics is also one-third higher for affected by diabetes.

• the impact of weight.
The risk of type 2 diabetes is higher in people who experienced the overweight and obesity. Measure your waist to check for a pile of fat in this section is the fastest way to measure Your risk of diabetes.
The higher risk in women with a waist size of 80 cm or more as well as Asian men with waist size 90 cm or more.

• Ethnic Factors.
Ethnic Asians have the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Prediabetes, namely the condition of blood sugar levels that always exceed the normal, but has not yet reached the stage of diabetes. If you are experiencing this condition, then it risks developing into diabetes also increases.

Diabetes gestational. Women who have experienced this condition have a risk of having type 2 diabetes.

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