Beware of the dangers of diarrhea in children! But remain calm with this way of treatment

Parents are of course very worried, as their children stricken with diarrhea? The child's body was limp and had to commute to the toilet. definitely also in pain once right?

Yes, the diarrhea is indeed a health problem that is often experienced, whether by children or adults. Sometimes diarrhea in children is also only a momentary disruption only and will heal itself quickly anyway. But, nevertheless, we cannot underestimate the diarrheal disease in children, for whatever reason.

Diarrhea could not be casually overlooked because diarrhea is one of the biggest health problems that occur in the community.

What the heck causes diarrheal disease in children is it actually?
In principle, diarrhea is a disease that causes us to have to defecate (chapter) and the consistency of the stool is more dilute than normal frequency and more often, at least more than 4 times a day. Diarrhea, diarrhea in children as well as the good that happens to adults, can be caused by many things. The most common in cases of diarrhea in children anyway due to infection in the gut by a virus, which is about 60-70% of the cases of diarrheal disease.

Infections that occur in this process causes intestinal absorption of water and electrolytes by the intestines to become distracted, so stool issued will be more dilute and shall be issued more frequently. This is a mechanism of the body to remove toxins from the body as soon as possible, well similar to rinse clean so that's the gut. Unfortunately, if the water to rinse not enough could be fatal for the body.

In addition to the infection of the intestine, diarrhea can also be caused by the following:
-Side effects of certain drugs,
- Psychological factors, such as anxiety,
-The consumption of alcoholic drinks and coffee to excessive (though this might not happen to children)

In the case of the diarrheal disease in children, is actually a mild infection can be alleviated by giving extra fluids in sufferers so that replacing lost fluids.

Well, want to know how the handling of handling of diarrhea in children? Check out this article continues until complete Yes.

Handling Of Diarrhea In Children
The bottom line, not to the body of the child's lack of fluids due to diarrhea. We should be able to prevent dehydration due to diarrhea in children occurred before it's too late until the infection is cured.

Then, how to recognize signs of dehydration so we can handle this in children diarrhea? Previously used to identify several types of diarrhea in children! There are a few things to note in preventing or

overcoming diarrhea in children, namely:

1. Diarrhea without dehydration in children
Diarrhea in children without the condition is accompanied by dehydration (loss of body condition/fluid deficiency) are marked with condition children urinate as usual; as often and as much as usual.

To handle, if the child still suckles, then give BREAST MILK as usual. Don't be restricted or replace it with other foods. Also if the child suckles with infant formula, then still give as usual.You can provide oral rehydration therapy as much as 5-10 ml each time a child CHAPTER liquid, or at least as much as the estimate of fluid out with feces.

2. Diarrhea in children with mild dehydration are
Mild-moderate dehydration due to diarrhea in children will be marked with visible always thirsty, and frequency, as well as the amount of waste water, is her little diminished than usual. The eyes also look a bit Haggard, skin firmness decreasing, as well as the child's lips,  will look dry.

If the child is giving signs of dehydration, then it should be given rehydration fluids under the supervision of medical personnel. However, for diarrhea accompanied by mild dehydration-are, these still do not need to be taken to hospital for further action.

You can handle it yourself first at home, after consulting with a doctor. During treatment due to diarrhea in children, he should still be given to eat and drink as usual. If the child still suckles, give BREAST MILK as usual too. Maybe the child will also vomit. Keep give eating and drinking but slowly. A better serving of reduced, but give it more often. Avoid giving tea and fizzy drinks because it could aggravate the diarrheal disease in children.

3. Dehydration in children with severe dehydration
In addition to the clinical symptoms as seen in mild dehydration — being at the top, on the State of diarrhea with severe dehydration is also visible breath faster and children inside. Son looks very limp, fast pulse rate and suppleness of the skin extremely decreased.

When it's put it this way, take the child immediately to the hospital to get fluid rehydration through the infusion.

Diarrhea in children can cause a child so malnourished, and even led to the death! Therefore, although perhaps this ordinary and diarrhea will often happen, parents should not be off guard and disparage diarrhea in children.

Immediately give help by doing the rehydration and nutritious food in children. And most importantly, we all can actually prevent the occurrence of diarrhea in children with the cleanliness and the quality of their food. They certainly started from home.

Here are the steps to prevention of diarrhea in children exposed to due to the contamination of food which then causes intestinal infections:

-Teach children to always wash your hands before and after
-Keep the food hygiene is doubtful of the child.
-Make sure children drink water that is perfectly ripe, do not drink directly from the tap.
-Make sure the food is cooked perfectly and nourishing both.
-Preferred fresh foodstuffs, including fruit, vegetables, meat, and seafood as well.
-Store food in the refrigerator and not let food left under exposure to sunlight or room temperature.
-Not many children get used to spending time in school (bring food and drink from home

you need to know, that when diarrhea in children was caused by germs of disease, then it likely will be contagious to people who are in the vicinity.

If your child is experiencing diarrhea, then immediately to take steps like the following for the sake of preventing diarrhea spreads to those around.

-In one House, make sure the little one does not use tableware and towels are similar to that of other family members.
-Make sure you clean the toilet with a cleanser containing an antibacterial every time the little one completed defecation.
-Keep your child in order to remain in the House
-Remind each Member of the family to always wash your hands each time you finish using the restroom, before eating and before preparing food.

Yes, it's still a lot of people who haven't realized, how diarrhea in children can be fatal. Many underestimate diarrhea and no immediate action when the child begins to exhibit symptoms of dehydration.

When their new, already severe panic and bring the child to the doctor. Diarrhea in children can be prevented. Self-hygiene and food the child who becomes the key. Prevent diarrhea in children before he came.

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