11 Healthy Eating Tips For People who are very busy, The Number 6 is astounding

Eating healthy foods is one of the things that must be done to safeguard the health of the body. Not only is it only benefits, healthy food also bring a good impact on your daily mood. What is the healthy food menu so that the body stay in shape?

1. Eating healthy is not enough
This means every meal there should be the staple food, a side dish that consists of animal protein and plant protein, vegetable, fruit, and milk as his sutras.

In fact, food is not the only determinant of your health status. Choose healthy foods alone is not enough to maintain fitness and your overall health.

In the new guidelines, mentioned several other prompts if you want to live a healthy life. Of which exercise routines, set meal servings, monitor your weight on a regular basis, as well as maintain the cleanliness of the self and the surrounding environment.

2. Milk is not compulsory so complementary
When you think of Your new healthy diet menu would be perfect if you already drink the milk, then you are mistaken. The milk is not obliged to put into your healthy diet everyday menu. The reason, milk has the same content as a side dish animal protein.

While other content in milk as calcium, phosphorus, and zinc, also you can find in many other animal protein. So don't worry You became unhealthy because all this does not drink the milk.

3. No provision of portion
In the slogan eat healthy foods, there are no provisions and rules how many servings of meals in a day. Whereas, the provisions of the serving of a meal is important to prevent you from experiencing obesity and stricken with various chronic diseases.

Meanwhile, on a Balanced Nutritional Guidelines you can also get the Division serving healthy food menu in Your dinner plate.

4. Foodstuffs must vary
The more ingredients the menu of healthy foods you eat, the better the content of its nutrition value. In the principle of Balanced Nutrition, emphasized also for consuming various kinds of foodstuffs.

Don't just rely on one type of food, such as staple food which could be replaced with corn, noodles, sweet potato, or rice should not – continues. Whereas in the previous slogan that there is no such message.

5. You should also drink plenty of water
In 4 healthy 5 perfect, not to mention that you should be consuming mineral water. Whereas, the fulfillment of the fluids is very important to maintain the adequacy of fluid in your body. Fluid is the best to meet your needs is simply the mineral water.

Therefore, a balanced Nutritional Guidelines on recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or according to the needs of each.

Tips for eating healthy meals for busy people Pursued deadline, the compact schedule, overtime meeting until the night, should take care of the House, and a flurry of other sometimes make people busy with difficulty controlling food intake. Usually, they just choose to eat quickly and easily retrieved so as not to confiscate a lot of time.

Whereas, the intake of healthy food is important in order to support human health, controlling weight, improve performance, and add brain power a day. Here are tips and healthy food, i.e. easily retrieved for busy people.

1. Breakfast
Breakfast is very important to support energy and help control blood sugar. Avoid breakfast with foods containing simple carbohydrates and sugar. The healthy food menu at breakfast eaten recommended:

Foods with a high complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, red rice, cereals, fruits, and vegetables.
Foods that contain high fibre cereals such as wheat and chia seed.

A menu rich in protein such as nuts, seeds, almond milk, low-fat cow's milk, yogurt, and eggs.
Foods with good fats from nuts, seeds, avocado, and coconut.

2. do not most drink coffee
Most coffee will overload the organs of your heart, make you dehydrated (because coffee is a drink which is a diuretic a.k.a. increase the speed the formation of urine), and increases the risk of unstable blood sugar.

The liver is an organ that cleans the toxins in your body, so when your heart burdened organs, then chances are you are exposed to disease and weight gain increases. Reduce the consumption of coffee or maybe if can do not consume coffee. Konsumsilah tea-herbal tea is beneficial for the body, for example:

-Dandelion root tea can help detoxify the body cleanse liver organ
-Ginseng tea to help increase energy
-Oolong tea can help you lose weight
-Green tea to improve concentration
-Tea mint leaves to reduce abdominal pain

3. Drink plenty of plain water
Don't forget to drink a lot. Drinking is at least 8 glasses of water a day in order to keep your energy levels high, your digestion smoothly, and your concentration is maintained.
When your body is dehydrated, Your body will even sometimes give the wrong signal, that the sensation of hunger. You can drink plain water 20 minutes 60 minutes before or after a meal.

4. Reduce food packaging
In General, food packaging contains a lot of sugar, salt, preservatives, stable, artificial flavorings, artificial dyes, and so on. The food ingredients less well for health. For more consume healthy food, avoid eating food packaging and fast food.

5. Eat fresh food
Meat, fish, beans, grain, fruit, and fresh vegetables are healthy foods that are good for health. If you want to bring a snack, bring nuts or fruit and vegetable cut small.

6. Take note of the results of the process of the food in the restaurant
Time ordering food in a restaurant, consider the process of making the food on the menu book, whether the food is steamed, boiled, baked, or grilled. Try to avoid fried foods, foods that are cooked dry with high heat or added with oil or fat, or au gratin which your food heated cheese sprinkled on it.

Food-food processing like that contains high fat and calories. You better choose a menu of healthy food are boiled or baked.

7. Reduce alcohol consumption
For every glass of alcohol that you drink, must include with drinking a glass of plain water afterward. Alcohol makes you dehydrated, making hangover (alcohol poisoning), and disrupted sleep patterns. For the men, do not consume more than 2 glasses of alcohol a day. Meanwhile, for women be a safe to limit that is no more than a glass a day.

An alternative to other beverages such as alcohol is a lightweight, virgin Caesar, a white wine spritzer, sparkling water, or even drinking water with lemon slices. Lemon water is very good for health. For example, increase energy, helps digestion, boost the immune system, helps to detoxify, help lose weight, and help skin care.

8. Eat healthy foods high in fiber
Instead of white rice, choose red rice more rich in fibers. You can also change the fresh white bread You eat whole wheat bread. In addition to more high-fiber, whole grain bread and rice Red also keeps you full longer so it can play all day smoothly.

9. Bring your own healthy snack
Wherever you go, take healthy snacks such as fruit cut into small, juice, oatmeal, yogurt, fresh vegetables cut into small, or nuts. Eat Your snack every 3 hours to help keep your blood sugar stable and prevent you from overeating while dining hours. 

10. Don't overeat
Eat sparingly when hours of eating, which is about 80 percent full and don't get much more than that. If you still feel hungry 10 minutes later, then eat a little more.

Overeating is not only resulted in the increase of the weight but also inhibit your digestive system and can lead to diseases such as diabetes are more serious. Yes, even if you eat healthy foods, portions should still be controlled.

11. Multiply the consumption of fruit and vegetable
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables each day. Look for fruits and vegetables, fresh, and don't forget to wash it first to remove chemical substances or pesticides that may be present in the fruit and vegetable.

Select green vegetables, such as Kale, spinach, or broccoli. Green vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health.

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