How to quickly heal a fever traditionally and cheap, check out the following tips..

Treatment of fever in a traditional, inexpensive and nutritious. Fever is the body's reaction against infection.  To cope with mild fever, no need to hurry consuming drugs.  Drug fever works by forcing the body to lower body temperature even though the body is being against the infection. Therefore, you can use the traditional fever remedy and other natural ways to lower a fever.

Temperature increase when the fever may occur approximately 1-5 degrees, from the normal body temperature range at a temperature of 36 ° c.
In adults, which belongs to low-grade fever, temperatures ranged between 37.7 ° C – 38.3 ° c. Considered a high fever, if the temperature of about 39.4 ° C – 40 ° C and a dangerous fever at a temperature above 40 ° c.

Some of the drugs the traditional fever can be used as an alternative to cope with mild fever, namely:

To cope with mild fever, you can consume ginger. In addition to being able to cope with the rush, the antibacterial content on Ginger is also able to fight other diseases like a cough

- Hydrocotyle  (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam.)
The plant with the Latin name of Centella asiatica is recommended for fevers, as well as a variety of skin treatments such as wounds, leprosy, varicose ulcers, lupus, eczema, and psoriasis. Pegagan, however, should not be consumed by pregnant women.
There has not been enough research about the levels of toxicity and the amount of consumption that's safe for these herbs.

- Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
The plant with the Latin name Andrographis paniculata, commonly used this fever while overcoming colds and flu.
In addition, sambiloto also known can help the condition of a sore throat, cough, diarrhea, kontipasi, abdominal pain and sinusitis.

- Ginseng
Ginseng is one of the herbaceous plants. Ginseng is divided into two types namely ginseng Asia and America. with different content and usefulness. American Ginseng is considered able to help cope with fever and colds and flu.  In addition, this type of ginseng can also help sleep disorders, anemia, pain nerves to overcome aging themselves.

Supporting measures lower the Fever at home
In addition to consuming traditional fever medications, you can also overcome the fever at home by way of:

-Drink plenty of warm water
Fever can cause loss of body fluids and dehydrated. Make sure the intake of fluids your body needs would be sure with good, by consuming the white water, juice or soup broth. If the fever is experienced by children under the age of 1 year, give your solution a rehydration drink. Consult with a doctor before giving it in children

-Adequate rest
Activities can raise your body temperature, therefore, it is recommended to reduce activity with rest enough so that the body can recover soon.

-Bath and compress
Use bath water warm or cold compress to do give a sense of comfort while experiencing a fever.

-The consumption of foods that are easy to digest.
Warm chicken soup is one of the options the foods are mild stomach to digest when sick. Pair with grilled bread that can repel hungrily.

If you experience fever never recover more than 3 days or exceeds a temperature of 39.4 degrees Celsius, it is advisable to immediately consult a physician to find out the cause of the fever.

Moreover, if the fever is accompanied by other symptoms such as severe headaches, throat swelling, a rash appears on the skin, the neck feels stiff, continuous vomiting or pain while urinating. 

Taking any drug fever and do home care such as adequate rest can be an option to cope with the rush.

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