Through The Process Of Preparation Of A Successful Tube Baby

Couples who have problems with infertility, the inability to get pregnant after having sexual intercourse on a regular basis for over a year without birth control, now could consider tube baby procedures. Before undergoing pregnancy through baby tubes, You know the tagline what preparation is required for this procedure can give children a success for you and your partner.

Handling to the problem of infertility tend to depend on the underlying cause. In addition to lifestyle changes, there are some programs that pregnancy is usually also recommended by doctors, among other things through the medical drugs, surgery, artificial insemination and test-tube baby procedure.

Planning A Pregnancy
Age plays an important role in the fertility rate. Healthy couples aged 20-30 years, have a chance of pregnancy ranged from 25-30% per menstrual cycle. When entering the age of 40 years, the odds of getting pregnant women decreased, i.e. less than 10% in each cycle. So did the men with fertility decreases as you get older.

For married couples over the age of 35 years, evaluation and fertility treatment can be done after 6 months of regular sexual intercourse without contraception but have yet to get the children. As for married couples aged over 40 years, it is recommended to perform the evaluation and program planning pregnancy as soon as possible.

That is, the longer the delay to undergo pregnancy program, the smaller the chances of pregnancy and the higher the risk that may be experienced during pregnancy. If you are facing this problem, then maybe it's time you are with couples seeking medical help professional and experienced in the field of fertility, to determine the appropriate pregnancy program. One of them is with the baby the tube.

The efforts of Achieving Pregnancy with Baby Tube
Tube baby technology or often referred to as the term in vitro fertilization (IVF) is another way that can be taken by married couples who want a pregnancy but is not able to conceive naturally. This new program will be advised by doctors in other methods to have children already tried and does not give the desired results.

Method of tube baby done by bringing together the egg and sperm cells selected in the laboratory, so that conception and formed an embryo. Later, embryos are transferred into the uterus formed woman to develop into a fetus and birth. In the procedure, it tubes baby egg, sperm or embryo can come from you and your partner. But if it is not possible, you can get one from a donor.

In addition, you need to understand that the success of cycle tube babies (IVF) is influenced by several factors, namely:

·         Patient-specific factors
Factors such as age and causes of infertility, as well as the psychic conditions (stress).

·         Ovarian stimulation procedure
It is to stimulate the production of egg cells.

·         The doctor's clinical experience about IVF
Embryology lab facilities

·         Facilities determine the quality of fertilization and the formation of the embryo.

·         The number of embryos per transfer
The more the amount transferred, the greater the chances of getting pregnant anyway, even magnify the possibility of twin pregnancy.

·         The technique of embryo transfer done

·         Adjunctive therapy of luteal phase
This therapy is useful to increase the chances of success of the pregnancy and lowers the risk of miscarriage.

Therefore, the experience of physicians in the field of baby tube and the existing facilities at the IVF clinic or hospital, very influential towards the successful tube baby.

Tips for a successful tube baby Pregnant with programs
Tube baby program helps increase opportunities for healthy children. In order for the program to which You tube baby lives running smoothly, here are a few tips that you can do in preparation in order to successfully get the children:

A thorough medical examination and consultation
A thorough medical examination is helpful to give an overview of the physical condition that may be associated with fertility levels you and your partner.
Starting from data on medical history, physical examination, and examination of the institution such as complete blood examination, pap smear, a review of the menstrual cycle, an examination of the ovaries and egg quality in women, men's fertility examination (analysis sperm), as well as ensure the vaccination history, including tetanus and TORCH.

A healthy eating pattern
A healthy diet and nutritious balanced diet play an important role in your fertility, including helping to increase the success of baby tube. Multiply eating fruits and vegetables and calcium-rich foods, such as milk and low-fat yogurt. Consumption of different sources of protein, such as beans, grains, processed soy products, and meat. Although fish are a source of omega 3 fatty acids are good for the development of your baby's brain and eye, however, it is recommended to limit eating, mainly containing such high mercury tuna, tuna, and mackerel. Also, avoid foods with excess fat content, or containing dyes, flavorings, and preservatives.

The pattern of healthy living
Stop smoking and avoid exposure to cigarette smoke. Smoking is a bad effect conferring on fertility and pregnancy. In men, smoking can lower sperm quality. This habit can also lower the level of your success in the program undergo baby tubes. Also, avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages, and limit caffeine consumption, not more than 200 mg of caffeine (2 cups) per day. Complete with enough rest (sleep 6-8 hours per day), as well as regular exercise.

Keep your weight
Excess or less weight can affect fertility. Fix and keep your ideal weight by maintaining a diet and exercise as recommended by a doctor.

Avoid exercising too often or too heavy. Walking, jogging, yoga, and swimming is a good exercise to reduce stress and support the body in preparing for pregnancy

The intake of multivitamins and folic acid
Taking vitamins and folic acid at least 400 micrograms per day before getting pregnant as recommended by a doctor, can help you supplement your intake of nutrients needed for pregnancy, and can reduce the likelihood of a baby suffering from birth defects, such as spina bifida.

Avoid stress
Stress is not good for the preparation of the pregnancy. Activity and a more positive environment, for example, join a communities program participants tube baby, give each other a passion between community members, or doing massage and acupuncture therapy, can help overcome stress.

In addition to the tips above, you are strongly recommended to follow all recommended by doctors for babies undergoing the tube. Although the success rate of this tube baby program also depends on age, the condition of health, and how severe the infertility disorder is experienced, but do these tips will enlarge the chance occurrence of a pregnancy.

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