Know The Reason Of Fast Heartbeat And How To Overcome It
Friday, August 3, 2018
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Changes of heart rate rhythm
can make someone uncomfortable, even feel fear. There are several reasons and
medical conditions that cause rapid heart rate occurs.
When the right checking the heartbeat that is when waking up in the
morning. Stick two fingers, usually the index finger and middle finger, on the
wrist for 15 seconds. Calculate how much the perceived heartbeat, then
multiplied by four for the knowing heart rate per minute. This is a basic heart
rate or heart rate at rest.
Fast heartbeat, also known by the term tachycardia. This is a
condition that occurs due to the disturbance of electrical impulses that
control the amount of the average heart
rate. Tachycardia is classified i.e. If someone who was in a condition of rest
has a heart rate in excess of 100 times per minute.
Unlike the public assumption, a slow heart rate at rest precisely indicates the condition of one's
health in good condition. This marks the heart muscles in top condition, so it
doesn't have to work too hard. Unless this slow heartbeat accompanied by
complaints of dizziness, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Conversely, when a
fast heart rate, meaning the heart work harder and inefficient, so the risk to
make the body did not receive sufficient blood flow.
Tachycardia can appear without complications, but can also increase
the risk of stroke, impaired heart function to stop the heart, and even death.
Research on heart rate at rest is done for 10 years showed a higher risk of
death, in which participants experience an increased
heart rate during the period, compared to which remain stable.
Identify Trigger Factors
Age factor greatly affects heart
rate. Increasing age, then the heart rate at rest will be faster. There are a number of factors trigger another fast heart rate, for example, sport, sudden stress for example
because of the fighting, fever, too much caffeine or alcohol consumption, drug
side effects, smoking, and electrolyte imbalance in the body.
In addition, there are also certain health conditions that can cause
rapid heartbeat, such as high blood pressure, anemia, hyperthyroid, heart tissue damage in people with heart pain, and
impaired heart electrical pattern because of
congenital condition since birth.
Proper handling
The handling is performed aiming to slow down the rapid heart rate
condition, prevent the recurrence of such a thing again, and suppress the risk
of complications.
In most cases, a rapid heartbeat can be slowed down with just a few
simple movements, assisted or called Vagal maneuvers. Movements such as
coughing, push as the middle of
defecation, or put ice on the face, can affect the vagus nerve which regulates
the heartbeat. However, if such action is not successful, then the doctor will
likely give the injection contains antiaritmia
medicinal or other oral medications to normalize heart rate quickly.
Conditions that are considered emergency and the drug does not work,
then the medical experts will perform the procedure cardioversion using electric shock on the heart. This action will
hopefully fix the electrical impulses of the heart so that the heart rate back
to normal.
Some other advanced actions to cope with the ongoing rapid heartbeat
as catheter ablation, pacemaker, with the
use of cardiac surgery that requires thorough preparation and medical
Maintaining ideal body weight and keep it off, while reducing stress
and avoiding smoking are some of the ways heart stay healthy and avoid the fast
heartbeat. Consult your physician for more information.
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