Congestive Heart Failure: The Killer Silently
Thursday, August 2, 2018
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Congestive heart failure or
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is the failure of the heart in pumping blood
supply needed a body. This happens
because abnormalities in muscles of the heart can not work normally.
During this time, heart failure cardiac condition described as someone
who stopped working, in this case, is to
stop ticking. Whereas, heart failure means the inability of the heart in
pumping blood or the inability of the heart to normal blood quotas meets body
The Process Of Occurrence Of
Congestive Heart Failure
The heart has four spaces that have their respective duties.
Congestive heart failure there is the type of the left, right, and mix. In
people with congestive heart failure, left bottom left or the left ventricle of
the heart is not functioning properly. This section is supposed to be the
optimal blood flow throughout the body via the arteries.
Because the function of the left Chamber does not run optimally, then
there was increased pressure on the left of the porch and the blood vessels in
the vicinity. This condition creates a buildup of fluid in the lungs (edema).
The subsequent buildup of fluid can also be formed in the abdominal organs and
legs. This State then interferes with the
performance of the kidneys so that the body contains water and salt
concentration more than required.
In some cases, the disease can also not because of the failure of the
space underneath the left side of the heart in pumping blood. The inability of
the left ventricle of the heart in doing relaxation also sometimes become the
cause. Because it is not able to do the relaxation, then there was a buildup of
blood when the heart does a back
What kind of symptoms appear?
There are some symptoms that indicate that someone suffered from
congestive heart failure. Although at early
stage symptoms probably will have no impact upon the health condition in
General, but over the worsening conditions suffered, then the symptoms became
more real.
There are at least three stages of symptoms that can be seen in a
person with congestive heart failure. The first is the early stage symptoms. At
this stage, patients experience:
- · Swelling of the feet and ankles.
- · Easily tired.
- · Significant weight gain.
- · The more often like to urinate, especially during nighttime.
If the condition continues to worsen, sufferers appear some symptoms
as below :
- · Irregular heart rate.
- · Tightness lungs causing cough.
- · Breath sound.
- · Shortness of breath due to lung filled with fluid.
Furthermore, if sufferers experience symptoms like below, then
congestive heart failure can be said to have reached severe conditions.
- · feel pain in the chest through the upper body, this condition can also be indicative of a heart attack.
- · The skin becomes bluish due to lung suffered a shortage of oxygen.
- · The breath is short and quick.
- · Experienced fainting.
What dangers faced by Sufferers
of congestive heart failure?
Someone who suffered from
congestive heart failure needs to be
aware of the safety of his life. Sufferers must immediately undergo treatment
or he will be faced with a number of other health disorder risk, among others:
Arrhythmia or heart rhythm disturbances can be suffered by patients of
congestive heart failure. One of them due to the occurrence of atrial
fibrillation in which the porches heart beat fast and irregular. This atrial
fibrillation afflicts about third can patients
suffering from chronic heart failure. If the patient of congestive heart
failure later suffered from arrhythmia, then the sufferer will be exposed to
high risk of stroke. He is also susceptible to complications of the disease,
namely thromboembolism.
The failure of other organs of the body
One of the organs that could experience a failure of kidney function
is. This happens because, in people with
congestive heart failure, blood flow to the kidneys is reduced. If anticipation
or without treatment, this would lead to
kidney organ damage or kidney failure.
Sudden death
Risk of sudden death in people with heart failure types of what is also very high. In fact, the sudden death in
people with heart failure can happen at any time,
including while asleep. There are allegations that relate to the arrhythmia of the heart Chambers. But until now, the
cause of sudden death in people with heart often still difficult determined
especially if it occurs outside the hospital.
Overall, chronic heart failure disease, including congestive heart
failure, is a contributor to the mortality is quite high. About 2-3 out of 10
people suffering from heart failure early to medium level ended died each year.
While those suffering from heart failure at a severe level, about half are not
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