How to Build Emotional Intelligence (EI) For More Classy Career ?


Building Emotional intelligence (EI) helps a person more flexible face the new situation. Help get cozy atmosphere even in a situation of distress. 

That's why, one with EI is good, can more easily gain success in a career. How does this happen?

You may often hear the success stories of young entrepreneurs, which was then still in school or while in College his achievements tend to be mediocre. But a few years later, he transformed into successful entrepreneurs or be Chairman or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the top companies in the world.

Successful and managed to sit on top of achievement at a young age. There are many examples of successful individuals in these categories. Most demanding of his career through the normal line. Traverse path official education and graduated with a resounding achievement.

Then began a career in the world of work and success. There is also a start a business precisely when I was in college. Successful and then choose a style in the world of Schilling's career.

In social media, we've often heard the story of Mark Zuckerberg, founder, and CEO of Facebook. Such is the case, Bill Gates, has already found what he was looking for, Mark Zuckerberg, youth-born May 14, 1984, also select the drop out of Harvard University to the campus occupied its site it is.

Quoted from Forbes magazine, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire the world today. "And we believe he is the youngest billionaire in history who collects his own wealth," said Matthew Miller, associate editor of Forbes magazine.

If most young children who fall into the ranks of the richest people of the world through the legacy of his parents, Mark is not so. So Forbes magazine crowned Zuckerberg as "The Youngest ' self-made ' Billionaire on the Planet" in 2008. Could and managed to become a CEO of success in their fields each likely influenced by emotional Intelligence (EI).

There is no formula to success

The opposite situation occurs frequently in the business world with an established organization. Many talented young talents with the competence and skill of individuals who qualified. Also, there is a lot of talent that is in fact already preparing ourselves in the Organization as a leader in the future. But never get a promotion and management level positions in the organizational structure of the company.

Does it have to do with competence and emotional intelligence (EI) less instrumental or not belongs to the policymakers or a candidate? An analysis of the mentions, most of us when asked to define the criteria of an ideal leader figure, they emphasized nature and aspects such as intelligence, toughness, determination, and vision-quality in General in leadership.

There is nothing wrong. Because in certain boundaries and technical analysis skill is minimum requirements for success. But research shows that emotional intelligence (EI) is thus the key attributes that distinguish between talent with amazing talent who only meet the qualifications generally.

Daniel Goleman, the psychologist, and author of the popular book "Emotional Intelligence" in his research on nearly 200 global companies found that the leaders can really effectively differentiated from the level of emotional intelligence. "Without emotional intelligence, a person can get classroom training, has a sharp mind, and a supply of good ideas, but he's still not going to be a great leader," he writes.

"Research by John c. Maxwell (2007), shows that more than 50 percent of the Fortune 500 company director gets a grade of C or C average in college. And more than 50 percent of the wealthiest entrepreneurs never completed his education in College, "

Some research also proves that smart intellectually did not become the main guarantees of a person to be successful in the Association and career. There is plenty of evidence that emotional intelligence with someone quite outgoing and it can be delivered to success in a career.
For people with emotional intelligence, she will be proficient in creating balance in himself; can cultivate happiness from within itself and can turn something bad into something positive and beneficial.

Research from the University of London, mentioned by Professor Frank Bond, for example, shows that emotional intelligence can help someone reduce stress, reduce errors, become more innovative, and increase work achievement.

Recognizes emotional intelligence

Then when it comes to emotional intelligence? Experts agree that emotional intelligence emerges from default and there are also influences from the environment. There is that since birth has been bringing a strong personality, have good social skills. For example, listen to the advice or notice information from the environment. Or it could be due to factors of education and influence from nearby people so that later formed a concept of self.

"This is where the beginning Of emotional intelligence is formed. I.e. developing from learning and its environment, the expectations will be the role of a person in their environment, advice-advice from parents, teachers, or community leaders. It is also closely related to the interest and willingness to pay attention to yourself and others in relation to their environment, "

In contrast to the relatively settled intelligence, emotional intelligence can instead be growing and evolving in line with the individual's social intercourse. Some of the important elements in the intelligence of emotions associated with individuals such as self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

While related to businesses and organizations, for example, is integrity, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or corporate social responsibility towards the community, Good Corporate Governance (GCG), join the enlightened Nations, support the welfare of society, and others.
the development of skills and emotional intelligence through a variety of training is important because how else the ability to realize the emotions that arise and reactive tendencies against various people and situations is very important.

For there are many people when angry felt like exploding. While disappointed to want to stop working. But people with emotional intelligence to understand the mood of the day and know to motivate yourself despite being angry or sad. "And when it felt the need to help others, they were able to persuade and influence others to help them.

Howard Gardner (1983), the originator of the theory of multiple intelligences suggests, there are at least four advantages of individuals who have emotional intelligence, which is able to realize and manage the emotions of one's self, skills and sensitivity to people's emotions others, having the ability to respond to and negotiate with other people with great empathy, emotions and can use as tools to motivate me

So has the intelligence of emotions are very important, right?

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